Autumn in Summer

A Film by Jonathan Brunner, Germany, 2022

this film was scheduled on 29 November. (Register or login to leave your comment)

Original Title Autumn in Summer
Country of Production Germany
Year of Production 2022
Running Time 2'42"
Language Bosnian, English, German
Production budget 400 USD
Cinematography: Anian Krone
Editor: Tim Plaster
Sounddesign: Marc Lehnert
Colorist: Anian Krone


Production Company or Producer Jonathan Brunner, Anian Krone
Contact Person Jonathan Brunner


AUTUMN IN SUMMER is zooming in on youth in the Balkans, torn between a love for their home country and the desire for a better life abroad.

Name Jonathan Brunner
Country Germany
Jonathan Brunner (b. 1996) is a director of documentaries and commercials. He received his Bachelor Degree in Media Design from the University of Applied Sciences, Mainz in 2020. In the fall 2020, he began working towards his Diploma in Documentary film directing at the Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg. With his documentary "Border Conversations" he won the section "German Competition Short Film" at DOK Leipizig 2022, the Student Award at Dok.fest Munich 2023 and the Young C. Award at the CIVIS Media Prize 2023.

2023 - Waiting, documentary, 17 min. (in postproduction)
2022 - Border Conversations, documentary, 30 min.
2022 - White Roses, documentary, 25 min.
2022 - Autumn in Summer, short film, 3 min.
2021 - Pulling Corks, documentary, 17 min.
2021 - White Noise, experimental, 1 min.
2020 - 10 Years, documentary, 12 min.
2018 - Without Words, documentary, 33 min.

Director's notes
In making the film, it was therefore all the more important not to look down on young people's situation, but to make a film at eye level. The stylised mixture of staged scenes and documentary shots as well as real interview statements felt just right for us. The mood of the people is by no means depressed or sad, but rather exuberant, sociable and self-deprecating - and that is exactly what we wanted to express.

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