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Who will choose the best short films for International Competition & NEXT GEN sections 2024?
Shorts & Chats around the city! 3 / 8 / 19 / 26 September: road to the 4th edition.
3 / 8 / 19 / 26 settembre: rassegna gratuita di film e chiacchiere brevi. Un percorso urbano di storie e visioni che si articola in diversi luoghi della città.
Special summer promo: buy now, it's cheaper!
Speciale promozione estiva: acquista ora, costa meno!
We are looking for young enthusiasts to join the MAX3MIN volunteer team for the third edition of the Festival.
The 4th edition of MAX3MIN will take place from 4th to 11th October 2024, in Milan & online.